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First Pheasant Hunt | 9yr Boy & 14 Week Old Pup

upland hunt Dec 09, 2021




First Pheasant Hunt | 9yr Boy & 14 Week Old Pup:

I'm excited to share the first of many bird hunts to come! Join me and my son as we walk some land in rural Minnesota and hope to see some birds! This was also the first hunt for our new dog, Ayla.

(Our new pup Ayla, and Jetta)

I was shooting the Beretta Silver Pigeon. Rylan had his Franchi Affinity 3 20 gauge. We were both shooting Federal Prairie Storm. 

My family has 80 acres in central Minnesota that we walked for this hunt. I was confident that we'd see something because there was a corn field right next door that had not been cut down yet - I suspected there were pheasants in there eating , and staying warm. Throughout the hunt we walked its perimeter twice.

We had some surprises along the way too - Jetta point at a doe and a buck on our walk. I believe that the buck we saw was the same one that I had seen previously hunting.


(Seen today)                                                                                                          (Seen on prior hunts)

The same? You tell me!

My goal today was to get Rylan on his first bird. After about 45 minutes of walking, Jetta approached a thick willowed area. She was on to something - before I knew it, a rooster flushed out right across us. I had a better angle than Rylan and had to take the shot. Rylan may not have shot it, but either way it was a good learning experience for him as well as our pup Ayla.


To close out the day, Rylan did in fact hit a bird!!! (A clay bird) He still mounted up, pulled the trigger, followed through, and crushed the bird! We're both excited for when he'll get the opportunity to use what he's learning on a real bird! Until then, thanks for reading! If you' like to see more hunting content, let me know on the socials.


 Remember, whether in the field, or in life, to LIVE Target Focused